
Ferghana Valley

Republic of Uzbekistan

The Republic of Uzbekistan is situated in the central part of the Central Asia, in the country between two rivers Amu-Darya and Syr-Darya. Our state borders on Kazakhstan, Kirghizia, Turkmenistan, Tadjikistan, and on a small piece on Afghanistan.

The territory of Uzbekistan is extended from a southeast on  north-west and makes 447,4 thousand square kilometers.

The landscape is represented by plains, semideserts, deserts, mountains and foothills. The climate is sharply continental, it is observed the contrast of temperatures.
On the territory of Uzbekistan live about 25 million people, representatives more than 100 nationalities.

The capital of the Republic of Uzbekistan - Tashkent, it is one of the largest cities of Central Asia.

Provinces of Uzbekistan

Republic of Karakalpakstan

The Republic of Karakalpakstan is situated in the south – western part of Uzbekistan. It takes up the north – western part of Kizil–Kum Desert and the Amu Darya River Delta. The Republic’s total area covers 165 600 square kilometers. The climate is typically continental with very hot summer and cold winter without snow. The population of Karakalpakstan is 1,4 million, mainly Uzbek (32,8 %) and Karakalpak (32,1%). About 48% of population lives in rural areas while the others 52% live in towns.
The Republic is divided into 15 administrative districts, 12 towns and 16 villages.
The Republic’s administrative center is Nukus which has a population of 236 700 people. Other significant towns are Beruny, Buston, Khodjeily, Kungrad, Muynaq, Takhiatash, Turtkul and Chimbad.

Map of Republic of Karakalpakstan

Khorezm Province

The Province of Khorezm is situated in north-western pat of Uzbekistan in the lower reaches of the Amudarya River. Its total area is 6 300 square kilometres. The climate is continental, with moderately cold winters and dry hot summers.
The population of the Province is 1 200 000, with about 80 % living in the outlying areas.
The Province is divided into 10 administrative districts with Urgench as the administrative center. Urgench has a population of 135 000. Other major towns of the Province are Khiva and Djuma

Map of Khorezm Province

Tashkent Province

The Province of Tashkent is situated in the north-eastern part of Uzbekistan between the western slopes of the Tien-Shan mountain range and the Syrdarya River. Its total area equals 15 300 square kilometers. The climate is typically continental, with mild, wet winters and hot, dry summers.
The population of the province is 4 450 000 and the average density is 147 people per square kilometer. The province is divided into 15 administrative districts. The administrative center is the city of Tashkent, which has a population of more than 2 million. There are 16 towns in the Province, the largest towns are Angren, Almalik, Ahangaran, Bekabad, Chirchik, Yangiabad and Yangiyul, where most productive activities are concentrated. There are also 17 town and smaller villages.
The ground is rich with cooper, brown coal, molybdenum, zinc, gold, silver, rare metals and more.

Map of Tashkent Province

Samarkand Province

The Province of Samarkand is situated in center of Uzbekistan in the basin of Zarafshan River. The total area is 16 400 square kilometers. The climate is typically continental and arid.
The population is 2 322 000 of which three-quarters lives in rural areas. The Province is divided into 16 administrative districts with an average population density of 149 people per square kilometer.
The administrative center of the Province is the city of Samarkand with a population of 368 000. Other important towns are Bulungur, Djuma, Ishtikhon, Kattaqurgan, Urgut, and Aktash.

Map of Samarkand Province

Bukhara Province

The province of Bukhara is situated in the south-western part of Uzbekistan. The Kizil-Kum Desert takes up a large portion of its territory. The total area of Province is 39 400 square km. The climate is typically continental and arid.
The Bukhara Province has a population of 1 384 700, about 68 % of the population lives in the rural areas while the other 32 % lives in towns. The Province is divided into 11 administrative districts.
The province's administrative center is the city of Bukhara which has a population of 263 400. Other towns in the Province are Alat, Karakol, Galasiya, Gazly, Gidjduvan, Kagan, Romitan, Shavirkan and Vabkent.

Map of Bukhara Province

Andijan Province

The province of Andijan is situated in the eastern part of the Fergana Valley. It covers an area of 4 200 square kilometers. The climate is typically continental with extreme difference between winter and summer temperature.
The population of the Province is 1 899 000, the average density is 499 people per square kilometer. The Province is divided into 14 administrative districts. The Province’s administrative center is the city of Andijan with 303 000 inhabitants. Other major centers in the Province are  Asaka, Shakhrikhan, Khanabad, and Karasu. Multiple deposits of oil, ozokerite and lime represent the mineral resources of the Province.

Map of Andijan Province

Djizzak Province

the province of Djizzak lies in the central part of Uzbekistan. The total are of the province is  20 500 square kilometers. The climate is typically continental, with dry, hot summers and mild winters. The population is 910 500 people and the average density is 108 people per square kilometer.
The province is divided into 11 administrative districts with Djizzak as its administrative center. This town has 127 200 inhabitants. Other main towns are Gagarin, Gallaaral, Pakhtakor, Dustlik and Mardjanbulak.
The province’s economy is based on agriculture. Most importantly cotton and cereal. There are tens of thousands of hectares of virgin soil, which have been researched for agricultural purposes. This land has an adequate irrigation infrastructure, which was created in the past few years.

Map of Djizzak Province

Fergana Province

The province of Fergana is situated in the southern part of the Fergana Valley. Its total area equals 6 800 square kilometers. The climate is typically continental, with mild winters and very hot summers. The population is about 2 597 000 with approximately 70,7% of the total population living in rural areas. The province is divided into 15 administrative districts. The administrative center of Province is Fergana city which has a population of 214 000. Other towns are Kokand, Kuva, Kuvasay, Margilan and Rishtan.

Map of Fergana Province

Namangan Province

The province of Namangan is situated in the north – eastern part of the Fergana valley, on the right bank of the Syr Darya River covering an area of 7900 square kilometers. The climate is typical continental, with hot, dry summer and mild, wet winter. The population of the province is 1 862 000, with 62,3% living in rural areas and 37,7%in towns. The province is divided into 11 administrative districts with Namangan city as the administrative center. The city has population of 341000 people. Other important towns are Chartac, Kasansay, Khakolabad, Uchkurgan, Turakurgan and Chust.

Map of Namangan Province

Navoi Province

The province of Navoi is situated in the south – western part of Uzbekistan in the middle of the Kizil – Kum Desert. It covers an area of 110 800 square kilometers. The climate is typically continental and arid. The population approximately 767 500 with about 59,4% living in rural areas and 40,6% living in towns. The Province is divided into 8 administrative districts. The town of Navoi is administrative center, it has a population of 128 000. Other towns are Kisiltepa, Nurata, Uchkuduk, Zarafshan and Yangirobad

Map of Navoi Province

Syr Darya Province

The Province of Syr Darya is located in center of Uzbekistan on the left bank of the Syrdarya River. The total area is 5100 square kilometers and the climate is typical continental and arid. The population of the Province is 648 000 people. Syrdarya Province is divided into 9 administrative districts with Gulistan as its administrative center. Gulistan has a population of 54 000 people. Other towns are Baht, Khavast, Mirzakent, Pakhtaabad, Sardoba, Syrdarya, Shirin and Yangiyer

Map of Syr Darya Province

Kashkadarya Province

The Province of Kashkadarya is situated in the basin of the Kashkadarya River on the western slopes of the Pamir Alay Mountains.
The total area of the Province is 28 400 square kilometers. The climate is typically continental, arid and partly subtropical.
The province has a population 2 029 000 with more than 73% living in rural areas.
Kashkadarya is divided into 14 administrative districts with Karshi as its administrative Center. The town of Qarshi has a population of 177 000. Other important towns are Shakhrisabz, Kitab, Kasan, Mubarekh, Yakkabad, Gusar, and Kamashi.
There are 14 joint ventures with foreign investment functioning in the Province.

Map of Kashkadarya Province

Surkhandarya Province

The province of Surkhandarya is situated in southern part of Uzbekistan, bordering to Afghanistan. Its total area covers 20 800 square kilometers. The climate is typically continental with mild winters and hot summers.
The Province has a population of approximately 1 676 000 with majority (79,8%) living in rural areas.
The Province is divided into 14 administrative districts with Termez as its administrative center. Termez has a population of 95 000. Other towns in the Province are Baysin, Denau, Jarqurgan, Qumqurgon, Shargun, Sherabad, Shurchy and Sariaciya.

Map of Surkhandarya Province

Added 10/02/2006

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