Syr Darya - one of the largest (the greatest on length and the second on water content, after Amu Darya) the rivers of Central Asia.
It is formed by confluence of Naryn and Kara Darya in east part of Fergana valley, runs into Aral Sea.
Length of a channel of 2982 km. The area of basin of Syr-Darya makes square km. In territory of a river basin of Syr-Darya there are 6 areas of republic Uzbekistan: Andizhan, Namangan, Ferghana, Tashkent, Dzhizak and Syr-Darya, two areas of Kazakhstan: Kizilordinskaya and South-Kazakhstan, and area Leninabadskaya of Tajikistan.
The drain of Syr-Darya is formed in a mountain part of basin. A feed mainly snow, in a smaller measure glacial and rain.
Zarafshan 877km
Chirchik 397km
The rivers originate in mountains of two world systems: Tien Shan and Pamiro-Alay. The rivers basically glacial and snow feed. |