
Ferghana Valley

Ferghana Valley

The overall territory of Ferghana is 77.9 th sq km with the population of 9 mln people. Ferghana valley stretches along 300 km and is 130-170 km wide and it includes 6 regions of three neighboring states of Central Asia. So 17th.sq.km. belong to Uzbekistan, 53th.sq.km. belong to Kyrgyzstan and 7.9th.sq.km. belong to Tajikistan.

Ferghana valley is surrounded by mountain Tian-Shan to the north and Alay to the south. So it looks like a huge bowl. The only pass to the valley is the Beghobod Gate in Khojand region at the territory of Tajikistan.
Ferghana valley is considered to be blossoming oasis with the most fertile soil and climate of Central Asia. Thats why Ferghana valley is called THE GOLDEN VALLEY.

The Ferghana Valley is divided into five regions: Ferghana, Andijan, Namangan, Khojand (located in Tajikistan) and Osh (located in Kyrgyzstan).
The Ferghana Valley is rich a number of natural resources, including gold, oil, copper and other raw materials. The Sirdarya, one of the great rivers of Central Asia, runs across the valley. It is fed by more than 70 mountain streams. However most of these streams are diverted for irrigation purposes and do not reach the Sirdarya.

Nature exhibit is devoted to the wildlife of the area. Birds, including seagulls, pheasants and crows are plentiful on the shores of the Sirdarya. The mountains are home to birds of prey, as well as bears, foxes, wolves, jackals, porcupines, badgers and red groundhogs. Several animals in Uzbekistan are included in the Red Book, a world wide list of animals in danger of extinction which was completed in 1980. It is illegal to hunt these animals.

First ancient settlements in Ferghana Valley appeared 5-6 thousand years ago. It's assumed that Ferghana of the 6thc.-4thc. BC was in cultural relations with South and South-Western civilizations.

The valley's richness includes its thousands-of-years-old history and traditions of master craftsmen in silk, ceramics, woodcarving and a bounty of other ancient arts of man.

  • In the 2ndc. BC the Great Silk Road connecting China and Mediterranean countries ran through Fergana.
  • In the 2ndc. BC it was called Ershi and was the ancient capital of Davan; there was the embassy of the Chinese emperor Udi who signed agreement on opening the Great Silk Road.
  • In the 2ndc. BC discord with China caused the war between China and Davan.
  • In the 2nd - 4thc. a part of Vergana Valley was in Kushan Kingdom.
  • In the 7thc.- 8thc. Fergana Valley was conquered by Arabs.
  • In 715 Kuteiba-lbn-Muslim, the conquerer of ancient Sogd and Khorezm towns, governor of Khorasan and Khorezm was killed near the town Kasan.
  • In the 8thc.- 9thc. the Samanids came to power over Fergana Valley.
  • In the 9thc. - 11thc. the town Akhsikent became the capital of Fergana where production of high-quality steel had been developed by that time.
  • In the beginning of the 12thc. the valley was devastated during the Mongolian invasion.
  • In the 14thc. the Temurids came to power over the Valley; Fergana became the favorite holiday place of Tamerlane.
  • In the 16thc. the town Andijan became the capital of Fergana Valley during the reign of Babur.
  • In the 16thc. Sheibani-khan annexed the Valley to the Uzbek state.
  • In 1700 the Sheibanids were dethroned; Kokand became the capital of the new state.
  • In the 18thc. Fergana Valley formed the new independent Kokand Khanate.
  • In 1875 Kokand Khanate as Fergana Region was Annexed to tsarist Russia.
  • Following the revolution of 1917 according to the ethnic demarcation in 1924 the territory of Fergana Valley was divided among Uzbek, Tadjik, and Kirghiz Soviet Republics; the three regions of Fergana, Andijan, and Namangan were given to Uzbekistan.



Ferghana ( 320 thousand people)  is situated in the south of Fergana valley. It is rather yang town: its history starts only in 1877. After disintegration  of Kokand Khanate  Fergana Region was founded. The administrative center  became New Margilan ( that was the name of the town at that time as distinct from the Old Margilan which has already existed ). In 1907 the town got the name Scobelev called so after the famous Russian general. And at last in 1924 the town was renaimed again and since that time it is called Fergana.  Fergana is one of the most important industrial centers of Uzbekistan. Here they process oil, cotton, silk cocoons. There enterprises of food and light industries here. There are no ancient monuments in the town, but in its beautiful surroundings there are many springs with mineral water, what allowed to build sanatoriums and houses for rest and recreation.. And the beauty of the vast fruit gardens of Fergana and the region is  known far outsize  its boarders.   

Founded in 1876 as a garrison town, Ferghana is Uzbekistans second largest industrial city after Tashkent. It is proudly named the greenest city in Central Asia by its citizens. At first Ferghana was known as New Marghilan, with its European style architecture and street planning which contrasted with Islamic Marghilan. Building such as the Regional Theatre, once the grand 1877 residence of Genaral Skobelev, the Deputy Governors house and the 1902 mens gymnasium are examples of this architecture. Museum of local lore has archaeological displays and pictures of remote carving, colorful Rishtan ceramics and rather unique Central Asia caps tubeteikas.


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