
Ferghana Valley

Margilan is situated only 8 km far from Fergana. This town with Its 1000 years old history also plaied an important role in the life of the region, as it was also situated on the Great Silk Road. Since old days Margilan was famous for it silk manufactured here. And now it did not lost its significance as one of the most important center of  manufacturing  silk fabrics in Uzbekistan. We advise you to visit “Yodgorlic” factory where you can see how cacoons are turned into very thin silk. All work is done  by hands.
Margilan is one of the most ancient cities of Central Asia. In the ancient sources it is known that in 10th century BC. Margilan was one of the biggest cities of Fergana Valley. The name of the city is connected with Alexander the Great invasion to the Central Asia in 4th century BC. According to the legend the local inhabitants being informed of the intention of Alexander to visit the city prepared to the honorable meeting. They offer to the warrior chicken and bread knowing that Rome people like chicken. After treating Alexander asked the local people about the name of the dish. He was answered: "Murginom" that means chicken with bread that was the reason of dubbing the city Margilan. The population of the city is 165 thousand people with territory 50 square meters. It is situated on the altitude of 15km above the sea level.

The Khonakhan Mosque boasts two 26-meter minarets and a two storeyed entrance. First built in the 16th century and now restored, it is the leading mosque in Marghilan , attracting over 6000 men for Friday prayers. The small Turon Mosque is an elegant example of the Fergana Style, especially the multi-coloured ceiling of the pillared avian (verandah). The Said Akhmad Khodja Madrassah is another example of religions resurgence, housing 300 students in two shifts. The most attractive sites to visit are silk factories that produce, using traditional methods and natural ingredients, the handmade khan-atlas, “royal silk”. The process of making this beautiful silk, from feeding silkworms to the final weaving stage, is the same as in the past at Yodgorlik factory.

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