
Ferghana Valley


Shakhrisabz (near 80 000 inhabitants) is the second city which is closely connected with the name of Timur and his descendants, it is the native town of the subjugator of the World. Here Timur was born in 1336 and here he wanted to be buried. In 2003 the city celebrated its 2700 years jubilee. Timur considered his native town as the second capital and he ordered to build here one of his greatest palaces which got the name Ak-Saray. Unfortunately we can see now only the ruins of this magnificent building but even these ruins make an unforgettable impression due to richness and diversity of decor.

The highway from Samarkand to Shakhrisabz passes through the high-mountain Takhtakaracha Pass of Zeravshan Mountain Range. There are quite a few cities in Uzbekistan that take its origin from long Before Christ. Samarkand, Bukhara and other centers of ancient Oriental civilization were world-famous through out the centuries. Among those is Shakhrisabz, as Sassily Bartold, a great expert in Oriental history put it, born in the golden age of Greco-Bactrian civilization (the III-I centuries B.C.). According to historical evidence, the city was named Tsishi and Kesh.

Shakhrisabz is situated in a basin of Zeravshan Range foothills at 658 metres above the sea level. The sharp continental climate of the area makes the difference between the average temperatures (4-1 C Degree below zero January and 28 Ñ above zero in July) fairly striking. Shakhrisabz is an old centre of gold embroidery and pottery. Tyubeteikas (skull-caps) made at the "Khudzhum" applied Art and Craftsmanship Factoly have earned gold medals at the international exhibitions in Canada, Turkey and Japan."Vassarga" and "Shirin", two Central Asian fine wines from Shakhrisabz, were considered among the best at international contests. The wine-tasting room is always at the disposal of visitors.


Always one of the important stops on The Great Silk Road along the branch that lead down south to the shores of the Sea, Shakhrisabsz is today a favorite one or two day trip destination from Samarkand or a detour on the way to or from Bukhara. Situated in a fertile plain, with the Gissar Mountains as a spectacular backdrop, Shakhrisabsz looks back onto over one thousand years of history.

It was decided by UNESCO to place the ancient city of Shakhrisabz on the list of world heritage memorials, a city which left a significant mark on world civilization. The 2700th anniversary of the foundation of Shakhrisabz was celebrated, demonstrating to the world the ancient values of this land, its greatness and beauty.

Shakhrisabz, called "Kesh" in the Middle Ages - also known as ancient "Nautaca" - carried epithets "Dilkesh" ("Kesh" means heart-pleasing) and "Qubbat al-eleem va al-adab" (the dome of science and education) is one of the most ancient cities of Middle Asia. In certain periods through its long history, it appeared as the centre of some of the most important events in world history - sometimes glorious, sometimes tragic. During Bactrian times the tsar-impostor, Bess (Artarkserks), was captured in one of the settlements of Nautaca and lately executed by Ptolemey, one of the commanders of Alexander the Great. This meant the end of the great Ahemenid Empire.

Nautaca - Kesh was chosen by Alexander the Great to spend his winters in 328-327 B.C. from he went on a campaign to Oxiarte where the family of this Bactrian aristocrat was captured. This booty included the beautiful Roxanne, who later became Alexander's wife. Alexander IV, the son from this marriage became the last tsar of the Macedonian dynasty. It was here, during the long evenings, that Alexander was visited by the idea to marry his commanders to local Sogdian and Bactrian women, thus to execute his idea to join East and West.

Centuries passed and Khashi ibn Khakim became more famous than Mukanna, (Covered with blanket), the leader of the strong anti-Arab movement who found his last shelter and excruciating death in 776-780 in the strong-hold of the Sinam mountains around Kesh. The death of Mukanna and the destruction of his movement was an event of great historical importance. Mukanna's death was the last effort made by the indigenous Movarounnahr citizens to return the lost freedom and ancient religion. It meant the end of the pre-lslamic era, the history and culture of this region and a change to better conditions in all areas of material and spiritual culture under the rule of Islam.

But Shakhrisabz would not be as famous if on 9 April 1346, in the village of Hodja-llgar, in the family of a noble landlord, Taragay, Timur was not born. Amir Timur - the future statesman and great commander. Wherever destiny took him, Shakhrisabz remained his native city, the place where he spent his childhood and youth, where he was formed as a person, the dwelling-place where his father, Taragay, and mentor, Shams ad-Din Qulal and where his older children Jahongir and Omar Sheikh were buried. Shakhrisabz became the second capital of the great country he ruled.

Bobur, the descendant of Amir Timur, wrote: "...As Kesh was the birthplace of Timurbek he put in much effort into turning the city into "the throne's pedestal" (governmental residence)". The most obvious evidence of this is the vast palace, Ak-Saray, which was incomparable to its contemporaries. Much was written about this palace, especially by Rue Gonzales de Klavikho, the Spanish Ambassador to Amir Timur, who was an important figure in the history of Shakhrisabz. Unfortunately, time had no mercy on this marvelous building and by the end of the 16th century this grandiose monument was destroyed.

Parts of the portal that remained are evidence of the scale of construction; Ak-Saray is still unsurpassed by its intricate mosaic and other decorations that showed-off the arts of traditional craftsmen. Above the portal of the Ak-Saray are big letters saying: "If you challenge our power - look at our buildings!" Other remains of buildings of the Timurids time can be found in the Southwestern part of the city. These are remains of a once grandiose complex - the Dorus-Siadat (House of the prophet's issues) mausoleum where Jahongir, the most beloved son of Amir Timur, was buried. This monument became the family burial-vault of the Timurids. Ancient plane trees still grow in this place - the sacred symbol of Shakhrisabz.
Another fabulous complex is Dorut-Tilovat (The house of contemplation) consisting of two mausoleums - Khazreti sheikh (Shamsiddin Kulal) and Gumbazi Seyedon with the Kok-Gumbaz (Blue dome) mosque.
There are two buildings of the same era that are more interesting for tourists. These are the covered market Chorsu, and the domed bath.

When we talk about Shakhrisabz we always imagine an evergreen city, clean sky surrounded by the high Gissar mountain range. Since time immemorial this city has been famous for its skilled craftspeople whose traditions are still being practiced in the wide-scale restoration and construction work that is being carried out even today. Today's Shakhrisabz, still maintaining its traditional, historical appearance, has moved on to the next phase of its evolution.

The famous Khudjum factory embroiders of Tyubeteikas (traditional hats), suzane, carpets, and belts - is known far beyond its borders. Modern Shakhrisabz is historical and cultural centre of Kashkadarya oasis with legendary past and great future.


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