
Ferghana Valley


Andijan dates to at least the 9th century, but its claim to historical fame is as the birthplace of Zahriddin Babur in the 15th century, when it was the capital of the Ferghana state and its main Silk Road trade centre. It fell to the tsar in 1876. In 1902 an earthquake destroyed the town and killed 4000 people. Andijan province, the most densely settled part of the valley and is said to have the most traditional bazar in the valley. Near bazar there is 19th century Juma Madrassah and mosque, said to be the only building in the town to survive the 1902 earthquake. Out of the town there is Babur’s summer resting place with his second tomb (the first and original). Important archeological site in Andijan region is – ancient settlement Dalversin tepa.

The Andijan District is in the eastern part of the Ferghana Valley. Western part of this territory is an elevated plain, in the East are the foothills of Ferghana and Alai Ranges. The city of Andijan is the center of the District. According to some historians, this city was founded more than two thousand years ago. Andijan flourished in the times of the Timur Dynasty. Through the centuries Andijan served as an eastern gate to Ferghana Valley, as a site through which trade, economic and cultural links to the Orient were maintained.

The only major architectural monument in Andijan, survived the disastrous earthquake of 1902, is enormous Jami Madrassa, built in the late 19th century. This building is both impressive and enormous: its length is almost 123 meters (more than 125 yards). Andijan is fairly large industrial center of the District which is the main oil-producing region in Uzbekistan. "Andijan", "Palvantash", "Southern Alamyshik" and "Boston" oilfields are in this region as well as natural gas deposit.

The gas pipeline from Khojaabad to Leninsk passes through Andijan. This town is one of the cotton-producing centers; almost three fourths of irrigated lands are under cotton which is called "white gold" here. As a cultural center Andijan has two theaters - puppet-show and Theater of Music and Drama, local Natural History Museum and radio and TV stations. In the vicinity of the town of Sovietabad on the banks of the Kara Darya River, the main waterway in the region, Andijan reservoir was created. The Andijan District is famous for a site considered sacred. Called Teshik-Tash, it is tall boulder the lower part of which resembles giant human legs a step apart from each other. Among the well-known Holy places in the Andijan District are Imam-Ata, Tuzlick Masar, Ok Gur. Some believers consider Shirmanbulak spring also a Holy site as well.

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