
Ferghana Valley

Amu Darya � the river in the Central Asia

Length of 2660 km, the area of basin 309 000 square km

It is formed by confluence of the rivers Pjandzh and Vakhsh, runs into Aral Sea, forming delta. On the average current three large right inflows run into Amu Darya - Kafirnigan, Surkhan Darya, Sherabad - and one left inflow - Kunduz. Further up to Aral Sea it does not receive any inflow.

A feed of the river basically is made with melted snow and glacial waters, therefore the maximal charges are observed in the summer, and the least - in January - February.

Proceeding on plain, from Kerka up to Nukus, Amu Darya loses the most part of the drain on evaporation, seepage and irrigation.

On turbidity Amu Darya wins first place in the Central Asia and one of the first places in the world. The basic drain of Amu Darya is formed in territory of Tajikistan (80%) and partially in Northern Afghanistan. Then the river proceeds along border of Afghanistan with Uzbekistan, crosses Turkmenistan and again comes back to Uzbekistan and runs into Aral Sea.

The average charge of water at Kerka City about 2000 cubic metre/s. Water of Amu Darya is used for an irrigation (channels: Karakumskiy, Amu-Bukharskiy, etc.). In a lower reaches fishery. Regular navigation from Chardzhou City. Near to Amu Darya there are cities Urgench, Nukus, Termez.

Last Modified : 25.1.125 6:57:52 (Tashkent)  
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